A Mission Challenge.org
"Preach the Word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching.' II Tm. 4:2

Common "rash" among those who live around and work at the dump-site.

The wife and youngest daughter of Don Jose'.

"How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!"
Isaiah 52:7

These wonderful people below helped to confirm the need to begin a separate congregation in Guatemala City.

Church plant No. 2 (within the Guatemala City Dump (zona 3).

(ABOVE) The Main Street of Nuevo Amanecer [New Sunrise].

(RIGHT) Baby Lindsy's mother, Velezca 17, after receiving donations of formula, blankets and clothing in her one room home. Her husband, also 17, is not working and is battling the demons of drug abuse and apathy. She has begun to show an interest in Christ Jesus and is willing to "fight" for a better life and a future for her three month old baby. Please keep them in your prayers as well and for a sponsor to help meet the needs of this young mother and her innocent little girl. She has become a kind of light for the other young mothers who live under the oppressive darkness of poverty mere meters from the largest dump-site in all the Americas.
"...Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation"
(Mark 16:15).